Order the Unlock Code of your Nokia 3220
When I order an Unlock Code for my Nokia 3220, what will I receive?
We provide you with the Unlock Code to permanently unlock your Nokia 3220.
In case your Nokia 3220 requires multiple Unlock Codes, all Unlock Codes necessary to unlock your Nokia 3220 are automatically sent to you.
We also provide detailed instructions on How To Unlock your Nokia 3220. In most cases the procedure is very easy:
How to Unlock Nokia 3220?
1 - Switch ON your phone without SIM Card,
2 - Compose #PW+CODE+1#
(if locked from Fido/Roger Canada, please compose#PW+CODE+7#)
The letter P appear after press 3 times quickly the button star ( * )
The letter W appear after press 4 times quickly the button star ( * )
The letter + appear after press 2 times quickly the button star ( * )
3 - The phone show "SIM Restriction Off" and was unlocked !
On 2021-12-17 06:39:26 By admin