Order the Unlock Code of your Alcatel OT-510A
When I order an Unlock Code for my Alcatel OT-510A, what will I receive?
We provide you with the Unlock Code to permanently unlock your Alcatel OT-510A.
In case your Alcatel OT-510A requires multiple Unlock Codes, all Unlock Codes necessary to unlock your Alcatel OT-510A are automatically sent to you.
We also provide detailed instructions on How To Unlock your Alcatel OT-510A. In most cases the procedure is very easy:
How to Unlock Alcatel OT-510A?
Method Number #1: (Generic)
- Switch ON your phone with a non-compatible SIM Card.
- When the message "Enter Network Key" appear, enter the Unlock Code.
Method Number #2: (Android)
- Switch ON your phone with a non-compatible SIM Card.
- The message "SIM Network Unlock PIN" should appear.
- Please enter the Alcatel OT-510A Unlock Code you received.
Method Number #3: (Alcatel before 2011)
- Switch ON your phone without SIM Card.
- Then compose : *#0000*CODE#
- To finish compose : *#0001*CODE#
- Your Alcatel OT-510A is now Unlocked !
Note: Please replace "CODE" with the Unlock Code you received.
On 2021-12-26 06:46:12 By admin